I AM SO STOKED to share the latest BM3 guide I just produced. I think it’s going to blow the app wide open for those who still struggle with the app. Those who come from traditional DAW style work flow. The genre of choice Shoegazer/Space Rock/Post Rock whatever you want to call it was a LOT of fun writing and producing for you in this video. I completed a video I’ve had in my mind for about seven days. The goal is to continue with keeping things simple and down to earth so that I could help those who struggle with Beatmaker 3. I want to help you see it as a traditional DAW with bonus other features such as a wicked sampler, clip launching, and automation versus the other way around. Get Beatmaker 3 here https://intua.net/beatmaker3/

Other apps used:
Beathawk https://www.uvi.net/beathawk.html
Bismark BS-16i https://www.bismark.jp/bs-16i
FAC Maxima http://fredantoncorvest.com/FAC_Maxima.html
ToneStack http://www.yonac.com/tonestack/
Kosmonaut http://ruismaker.com/kosmonaut/

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